Sunday, September 16, 2018

Inner game of tennis - Chapter 2 -

Chapter 2:
THE THESIS OF THE LAST CHAPTER WAS THAT THE FIRST STEP IN bringing a greater harmony between ego-mind and body—that is, between Self 1 and Self 2—was to let go of self-judgment. Only when Self 1 stops sitting in judgment over Self 2 and its actions can he become aware of who and what Self 2 is and appreciate the processes by which it works.
Make yourself serve vs Let yourself serve
Rather than consciously controlling your serve, visualize the path the ball should take and the way your racket should move to hit a particular spot with your serve.
Then while serving just focus on the seams of the ball and let your Self-2 do the work for you.
Asking for form
Ask your Self-2(body) to imitate a particular movement of making a forehand. Give it an image which it should try to emulate. Swing your racket a few times to enact that movement.
Similarly Asking for results - where the ball should land then close your eyes to visualize the trajectory.

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