Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Hard-learned lessons in leading design at MailChimp - Aarron Walter VP of Design Education, InVision

1. Your legacy is the people you hire.
2. Bad things happen when people feel left out. Communicate early,
often. Rather than communicating the grand design at the end.
3. You don't become VP by keeping your headphones on.
4. Your legs are the best design tool - visit the customers.
5. Try to draw from many designs - ask everyone to draw and put on wall.
6. You need to start formalizing a refinement process—something at
MailChimp we called "Guns forward, guns backward." That might mean
having a team dedicated specifically to product refinement, constantly
sanding off the edges.

"The best product companies in the world have figured out how to make
constant quality improvements part of their essential DNA." –Phil
Libin, former CEO of Evernote

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