Wednesday, April 2, 2008

One Pro and One Con for Php

Con : Each integer in a PHP array takes 68 bytes of storage

Pro : Java is losing the battle for the modern Web.

Excerpts :
Java EE (then called J2EE) was not built with the Web in mind but rather focused on enterprise integration, transaction management and other back-end processing. While Java EE has long supported Web development with servlets and JSP the companies driving the standards ignored the RESTful nature of the Web and rather continued to drive a general purpose platform.

In two separate surveys of one of the most popular Ajax Web sites, the, around 50% of Rich Internet Applications developers are using PHP.

Project Zero's Chief Architect is one of the first IBMers to admit in public that Java today can be considered as a system language and is not desirable for building RESTful Web applications which is Project Zero's goal.

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