for chrome and firefox.
For e.g.,
1. to save bandwidth set default video quality to 240 for all videos.
2. have different settings for embedded and youtube videos.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Search public google docs
* [] - find presentations
* [] - find drawings
* [] - find files: images, videos, PDF files, Microsoft Office documents and more (you should click "repeat the search with the omitted results included" since there are many files with similar titles)
* [] - find folders (collections of files and other folders)
* [] - find other documents, folders and files (the links redirect to other URLs)
Saturday, July 14, 2012
New features in PHP I didn't know about
Type hinting
Short array syntax
Function array dereferencing
Instance method call
objects as functions
Session Handler Interface
JSON Serializable interface
Monday, July 9, 2012
accessing properties file in jsp/jstl using spring
<spring:eval var="itemsPerPage" expression="@browsePagePropert ies.getProperty('itemsPerPage' )" scope="request"/>
where browsePageProperties is defined in (Application Conext Xml) root-context.xml like this :
<util:properties id="browsePageProperties" location="classpath:"/>
Thursday, July 5, 2012
hibernate many to many query
Thanks Dude !
1. JPA Sucks.
1. JPA Sucks.
2. HQL works :
Session session = (Session) entityManager.getDelegate();
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Design.class);
Query query = session.createQuery("select d from Design d join d.tags t where in (:tags) group by d having count(t) =:tag_count");
List<Design> list = query.list();
3. Hibernate without HQL doesn't work :
/* int i=0;
for ( String tagName : tags ) {
String aliasName = "alias_" + i;
criteria.createAlias("tags", aliasName, Criteria.INNER_JOIN);
criteria.add( Restrictions.eq(aliasName+".name",tagName) );
// List<Design> list = criteria.list();
4. PHP and MySql Rock.
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- Smartvideo extension for managing youtube videos i...
- Youtube allows face blurring in videos
- Apache Shiro Introduction
- Tracking monetization of Youtube Videos in Google ...
- firebug breakpoints advanced demo
- Search public google docs
- A wonderful jquery plugin - parallax
- New features in PHP I didn't know about
- PHP Dev/Debug Tools
- accessing properties file in jsp/jstl using spring
- vim for eclipse
- hibernate many to many query